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Back To Basics: 5 Dos & Don’ts For Boosting Your Website SEO

by | 7 September, 2020 | SEO

Boosting Your Website SEO
SEO is one of the digital marketing industry’s favorite topics, yet few understand how to properly optimize their content for effective search engine results. Read on for our top dos and don’ts for SEO optimization.

In the ever-growing world of digital marketing, the website continues to hold sway as the single most important tool for reaching consumers. By featuring content, products, and services on an easy-to-navigate website, you can bring in new customers and increase your sales revenue.

What is SEO
Let’s take a look at five must-have SEO practices, and five others are true time-wasters:

5 Things You Must Do To Increase Your SEO

1. Keep It Relevant

How would you search for your own content, product, or services? Search engines crawl sites for commonly-typed questions and queries to pull the top-rated content. To help rank your site, utilize relevant keywords and phrases throughout your content – but in context and sparingly.

2. Quality & Helpful Content

Another great way to increase your SEO potential is to consistently publish content that is helpful and engaging in your industry or niche. By keeping a blog or resources section on your site with commonly-searched questions and articles, you can increase the chance your site appears on various searches. 

3. Enhance Your Site’s Usability

Sites that are easy to navigate and responsive are increasingly rising in the SEO rankings on websites. To help increase the chance that your site will show up on the first page, complete a website audit and increase the functionality and responsiveness of your entire site.

4. Use Metadata and Tags

Metadata description and title/header tags throughout your site’s content and coding can help search engine algorithms easily find and locate key words and phrases across your site’s pages. Use your website builder platform or coding to fill out the metadata for all of your website pages.

5. Utilize Schema Markups

Schema Markups are great ways to include high-quality content such as reviews, ratings, images, and more. These content items are a great way to help you site get picked up by search engines and raise your SEO.

5 Things To Avoid When Optimizing Your Site

Just as there are many things you can do to quickly optimize your website and increase your website’s effectiveness, there are several practices that can actually cause Google to overlook or even penalize your site.

Avoid the following five mistakes to avoid accidentally causing your website to decrease in efficiency:

SEO Experience

1. Overdoing It With Keywords

Using keywords can be great for helping your site climb up the search engine ranks, but using too many keywords can end up decreasing both the SEO ranking of your site as well as the readability. The lower the readability, the less likely search engines will pick up the site as a top pick for specific words.

2. Abusing Affiliate or Off-Site Links

There was a time when having as many off-site links throughout your site was an effective way to increase your site’s SEO. Unfortunately, the rise in affiliate marketing and “link farming” has led to decreased effectiveness in algorithms.

3. Blasting Your Visitors With Ads

Ads are great for increasing your earning potential, but having too many ads on your website can damage readability and effectiveness. Ads can also slow your page’s speed, which is deadly for conversion

4) Copies Of Content

Avoid trying to stuff your website with duplicated or copied content to simply fill pages. Google will only index one version of a particular use of terms or keywords.

5) Secret & Hidden Links

Some web developers will utilize secret keywords, links, and behind-the-scenes coding to try and fool SEO algorithms. As Google continues to increase their crawl, hidden content is becoming increasingly found and penalized. 

Boost Your SEO With The Experts

Are you ready to implement an SEO strategy that helps your site truly shine? At Top Results Consulting, our team of SEO-trained experts have the experience necessary to help you build and implement technical SEO optimization. To learn more and speak to an expert, contact our team today!

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