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The Essential 3 SEO Habits Every Business Website Needs from Top Results Consulting

by | 8 June, 2020 | SEO

Essential SEO Habits
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an essential process for businesses to grow their name and the knowledge of their company in the digital setting. Many factors go into how a business website gains renown through SEO, and these factors can be tailored to increase website traffic efficiently and beneficially. Here at Top Results Consulting, we will show you some essential methods of SEO and how it will boost your website’s visit count.

Optimize Website Navigation

If a user cannot find their way around your website because of information clutter, misplaced links, or text size differences that make reading difficult, then you may lose that user as well as anyone in their circle. This kind of negative image can be avoided if your website is created with ease of experience in mind. Viewing the basics of website design, reading tutorials on how to organize information, or even hiring graphic designers on websites such as can help your website become more accessible, and increase user time spent on it. Consider some of the advice published in this article on Adobe’s website, the premier company in all things related to design and visual content creation.

Integration of Graphics

Continuing on the topic of graphics and images, the inclusion of videos and pictures can help boost your website’s traffic. Videos and images also offer users something to look at while they are researching, so they know that the content they came for is in line with what your site has. Websites like integrate videos and images to provide the user with additional content to interact with, as well as other information from the image and video files that can show up on search engines, which in turn leads more users to the site. Your website can benefit from the inclusion of graphics as well due to the shortened attention span of the average online reader. featured Microsoft did an article on this topic, as well as the research, and understanding how to catch and keep your readers’ attention can be vital to your website success.

Create a Mobile-Friendly Version

Mobile devices are as crucial to the everyday reader as clothes, and much like what the samurai say about swords, your website can live or die by the mobile device. If a website is not available for easy navigation and viewing on a mobile device, there is a high chance it will depend upon its loading, which that can damage your traffic heavily. Word of mouth can spread. Complaints can be filed, and not only is your time lost but so is your profit. The digital repository for basic knowledge,, is a website that has a superb mobile-friendly design, and that is one of the reasons it has maintained relevance for so long with the increasing number of handheld internet-accessible devices. Considering that Google Chrome now has 800 million users, as mentioned by, it is paramount to make sure your website is accessible and well designed for a mobile platform. Sharing links over mobile devices can boost your traffic and user base, and sites that are not mobile-friendly can become less critical when it comes to SEO, so crafting a website that works for readers on the go is a must.

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