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What Is SEO Content? Why Your Site Needs To Invest In Powerful SEO

by | 21 September, 2020 | SEO

Investing in Powerful SEO
If you want your website to truly stand out among your competitors, it is vital that you create and implement quality SEO content. Learn what SEO content it, and how you can begin to enjoy the benefits of an optimized website.  

While everyone who runs a website knows that SEO is important, few understand how SEO actually operates to increase your site effectiveness and ROI. In this blog, we will break down SEO, and how SEO content can give you the competitive edge your site needs to beat the market.

Developing an SEO Content Strategy

Defining SEO and SEO Content

So what is SEO and SEO content? These terms are used often by digital marketing experts, so it can be helpful to understand what each means:

“SEO” stands for Search Engine Optimization, and refers to the ability of your website to be found by online search engine users looking for particular keywords or phrases related to your site. The better your SEO, the higher in the rankings your site will appear.

“SEO content” is any content that exists on your website that directly impacts the SEO result that your site enjoys on popular search engines. There are a variety of content types that you can use to increase your SEO in creative ways.

By combining SEO understanding and creating engaging content, you can help your website to quickly fill up with helpful elements and media that draw users to your website. This, in turn, can help you to increase your site’s conversions and deliver a high ROI on your website costs and resources.

Defining SEO and SEO Content

What Types of SEO Content Should I Use?

When it comes to the types of content that increase the SEO of your website, consider the following examples. The sky’s the limit when it comes to the kind of content that can increase your SEO – it’s how you utilize your content in line with proper SEO protocols that matter!

Product Pages

Keep your product pages filled with helpful keywords and phrases that your buyers are searching for. Consider building a landing page for your eCommerce site to increase your SEO content ROI.

Blog Posts & Articles

Blogs and articles continue to provide one of the greatest sources of SEO content on the web. By building a healthy set of blogs and articles that are published on your website and social media channel on a regular basis, you can continually build a resource list that boosts your SEO across search engines.


Everyone loves a list! Lists are a great way to build SEO-friendly content that not only informs but engages your reader. Similar to blogs and articles, lists can help you build an SEO content library with ease.


Looking for something a bit more robust for your website? Lead your site visitors through a lengthy process with engaging content in an SEO-optimized guide. These online guides are a great way to engage users through search engines as they look for how-to guides in your unique niche industry.


Video continues to rise in the type of SEO content that is helping sites reach the top of search engine lists. To help your site succeed in its SEO, include various videos that highlight your products and services.

Develop an SEO Content Strategy

Does the process of building effective SEO content seem overwhelming? One of the best ways to begin to develop and implement content that increases your SEO is to partner with an expert in the field.

At Top Results Consulting, our team of SEO-trained experts have the experience necessary to help you build and implement a personalized SEO content strategy that fills your website with effective content. Want to learn more? Contact our team today for a discovery call, and let’s get started upgrading your site together!

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