In the silo structure document, start at the top of the document. A silo represents a page. Each page or silo should have a main keyword, a secondary keyword that supports that main keyword, and a maximum of five accessory keywords that are all related. Have at least 800 words on each page. Words have value when Google scans your pages. Going into detail is important. The “Search volume” section comes from the WebBuzz Podcast, episode 3, and using WhatsMySerp. Next, move onto categories one, two, and three. The categories can be range from one to ten. It depends on your business. The category section reflects your avatar trying to use your service or product. The category section uses keywords from your keywords list. Again, you will be picking your primary keyword, secondary keyword, and at least five accessory keywords. Those category keywords are essentially your avatar. These keywords will help you create ideas for your content. By using interlinking and hyperlinks, you will push your user up to the top of your silo, which will create a call to action. With landing pages, it becomes difficult to rank organically on Google. The article section answers the questions that people have and they should be around 500 words. Article pages get found more often than the service or location pages. The article page is where your knowledge comes out and you get to shine.
Google’s 2022 Algorithm Update
When visitors have a better experience with your website and the content it can lead to greater user engagement and higher rankings on Google which will increase your conversion rates. In this podcast, Shawn and Roger will discuss how you can optimize your content for...