As social media popularity continues to grow, brands have shifted the way they promote on social media. With already over 3.96 billion social media users, we are still expecting this number to grow in 2022.
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Understanding The Machinery That Is The Google SERP Page
Among all the pages on the web, there is nothing more important to digital marketers than search engine results pages or SERPs.
As 90% of consumer traffic goes to websites that appear on the first page of Google search results, don’t worry if your website isn’t there yet.
Website Aesthetics: The Different Layouts You Can Use To Enhance User Experience
Designers have begun creating sites as art, sites as interactive projects, and sites that simply exist for leisure. These website design trends come and go, depending on the market behavior.
Tips from SEO Experts to Get Your Website Indexed by Google Regularly
In creating a website, getting it up and running is only the beginning. As Google is getting smarter and more powerful, you also have to consider…
The Social Media Calendar: Why Scheduling Your Posts in Advance is an Advantage
Nowadays, social media management goes beyond just posting content on your social media pages. In order to succeed online, you need a good…
Your Website’s Content Directly Affects Your Sales Funnel: Here’s How
If you’ve noticed quite a number of businesses transitioning to online platforms and establishing their presence online, they aren’t isolated cases. This is all part of the huge movement to where businesses are starting to see the benefits of having an online presence and using the internet as leverage to boost their sales.