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Is TikTok The Next Best Marketing Platform for Small Businesses?

by | 4 August, 2021 | Inbound Marketing

TikTok is undoubtedly one of the biggest social media platforms in this day and age. With over 800 million installs, it’s not really a surprise that this social media app has such a wide reach. Because of this, marketers such as yourself are probably scrambling to download the app to find out what the fuss is all about.

If you’re looking to leverage social media for real estate using TikTok, you’ve come to the right place.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media video-sharing platform where users can watch, upload, and download video content. TikTok videos can be up to 15 seconds long, but users can also connect multiple clips together to reach 60 seconds of total recording. Users can also upload longer videos that have been recorded outside of the app. TikTok also has a live-streaming function to help with engagements. TikTok is undoubtedly an invaluable tool for marketing.

How Can Small Business Market on TikTok?

With TikTok’s wide reach of audiences, it’s no surprise that marketers and businesses, both small and medium alike, are leveraging this platform. If done right, businesses can definitely gain a significant return on investment (ROI) on their marketing efforts.

Here are five ways TikTok for small businesses can work:


Create Your Own Channel and Produce Your Own Videos

One way to leverage the wide reach of TikTok is to make your own channel for your business. Here, you can produce your own videos that are relevant to your business. This can be about anywhere from your products and services, to behind-the-scenes videos that showcase your company’s mission, vision, values, and work ethic. It’s always good to appeal to your potential customers’ pathos by showing them that you’re more than just a business that sells products or services.

Utilize Influencers to Market Your Products

Another way you can use TikTok for your marketing efforts is by utilizing influencers to market your products or services. Influencers are users with a significant following on the platform, with thousands, if not millions of views on their channel. You can reach out to an influencer and ask them to make content featuring your products and services.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that it would be in the best interest of your business to let the influencer decide on how they will present your product or service to their following. They’re experts at navigating this platform, so it would be best to let them have free reign on how to market your products, even though the video appears mediocre by professional marketing standards.


Utilize Hashtag Challenges

One way to spread your brand around is by utilizing hashtag challenges. Hashtag challenges are challenges with hashtags (#) where you challenge users to do certain activities. This can be through a dance, a lip-sync, or some silly challenge where you ask TikTok users to roll around like a tumbleweed. The catch, however, is that this marketing strategy can only work if it is relevant to your business. If your business is involved in the insurance industry, it would be hard to think of a fun challenge that users can do that’s related to your business.

Encourage User-Generated Content

Another fun way to market your products and services on TikTok is by encouraging user-generated content. User-generated content happens by encouraging users to try your products and services and post the video on TikTok. If you can find a way to encourage your customers to share videos of themselves using or interacting with your products ins some way, you’re likely to get a high buy-in.


Pay to Advertise on TikTok

TikTok has recently developed new campaign options to allow businesses to formally advertise on their platform. There are four ways TikTok allows you to advertise on their app: through brand takeovers, native ads, sponsored hashtag challenges, and branded lenses.


Top Results Consulting offers social media management online for your business. Let us handle all the day-to-day operations of running your page so that you and your team can focus on the main operations of your business. We offer: content creation, graphics creation, creation and optimization of accounts, and posting content three times a week!

Stay connected with your potential customers with a social media presence that can capture their attention when they scroll. Let Top Results Consulting handle your social media marketing and see a return on your investment. Interested in our social media services? Get in touch with us today and give us a call at (818) 600-1850.

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