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Here’s why your small business needs to put out newsletters

by | 25 October, 2022 | Business Growth & Strategy

There is one consistent marketing channel that is still in use today despite all the new ones that continue to emerge every year. That’s right, it’s email.

Over 90% of people prefer to get company updates via newsletters as opposed to social media (10%), according to a similar Nielsen Norman Group study. What are email newsletters used for, and why are they important?

Let’s get started and find out!

Email newsletter basics

Company newsletters are available in print or digital formats. Nowadays, they are primarily electronic and distributed via emails, hence the name “email newsletters.” These are periodic updates that feature news, events, and sales campaigns related to your company, products, and services. You can send them on a weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly basis or according to your timeline goals.

The main objective of newsletter creation for small businesses is to keep in touch with your current clients and contacts. Setting up an email list is the first step in doing that. The goal of newsletters isn’t to bring in new customers, at least not directly. It’s a retention strategy that can boost brand identification and consumer loyalty while also bringing in repeat business. With your newsletter, you can still draw in new customers, but it is more of a bonus than the main goal to publish an effective, regular email.

Why you need to put out newsletters

Now that you know the main objective of creating a newsletter, here are some reasons why you need to put out newsletters for your small business.

Brand recognition and association

The way a traditional business transaction operates is that you offer a client a product or service, and then you just wait for them to get in touch with you when they need to make another purchase or for assistance. That is an outdated method of conducting business and it won’t keep clients around for more than a single purchase.

You can turn the one-time purchase into an ongoing dialogue with “dormant” clients by putting in place a company newsletter. You can update them on new items or services you’ve added to your offers, special deals, seasonal discounts, and perhaps even a subscriber-only promotion.

Targeted customer communication

Newsletters have the advantage of being easily tailored for the recipient. It’s a less invasive channel of communication because the client has already given their consent to be included in your email list.

Because of this, it’s crucial to collect consumer email addresses naturally rather than through purchasing email lists. When it comes to email newsletters, what matters is not how many people are on your list but rather how well they know your business because this determines whether or not they will interact with your emails.

Creating a newsletter isn’t as difficult as you may think, if you are wondering how to put out a newsletter for a small business, there are a number of content marketing services that offer blogging services in addition to content marketing.

Cost effective marketing solution

Let’s assume that your email list has 1000 subscribers. Can you picture the price of printing 500 pamphlets versus simply putting together an email and pressing “Send” if you only have half of that? It practically costs nothing!

Additionally, it is environmentally friendly. When email is an option, why clear an entire Amazonian forest in order to print marketing materials that users might or might not keep? Utilizing a digital medium is more affordable and something that users can utilize repeatedly. A brochure is simple to misplace, and the ink will wear out rapidly. Emails last longer.

Planning to send out newsletters but don’t know where to start? Let a content marketing company help you.

Top Results Consulting is fully equipped with a persuasive team of writers and the latest writing, editing, and proofreading tools to publish online content catered to your target audience. We can provide various types of content, including email newsletters, to meet your marketing strategy’s needs.

We write convincing and engaging pieces of content designed to get your audience thinking in every stage of their buyer’s journey while also optimizing your SEO. With a monthly output of 35,000 words across 50 campaigns, we understand what works – and that is informative and meaningful content.

Get in touch with us today.

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