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Sticking To The Classics? Here’s Why Wordpress Is Still An Effective CMS For Your Website

by | 27 May, 2022 | Business Growth & Strategy

Flexible CMS for websites don’t need to require a huge budget and IT team to get together. WordPress for website development is an entirely viable option that people have been using for their websites for years, and it’s about time for you to get on this easy, efficient, and results-driven tool!

How do you optimize your website with WordPress, you might ask? It starts with familiarizing yourself with it, and we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a quick list of reasons behind WordPress being an effective CMS tool for your website you can still make use of today.

Read on below to find out more:

What is WordPress?

WordPress is basically a free kind of software tool you can use to fully optimize your website. It has an arsenal of features that can help you do this, and is relatively easier to navigate compared to other less popular tools.

Although it’s free, you need to host a domain with your own name to install it properly. You can use a separate tool for this like Bluehost. As long as you have your own website name and web hosting, you should be good to go with WordPress access! And this is just the beginning.

It’s easy to use

If you’re reading this as an absolute beginner, don’t feel intimidated when you’re starting to learn WordPress. It’s much easier than you think, and its set of tools make it such that it’s beginner-friendly.

When exploring WordPress, try to do a little research on its dashboard functions first. Customize your website design, create blog posts, add navigation menus, and more with the WordPress dashboard.

The dashboard also hosts important updates to the WordPress software you can easily view with a click of the button. Make sure to check these often so your website-building process is as smooth as can be.

It’s SEO friendly

Because of the freedom attached to working with WordPress, incorporating other SEO-friendly tools into it won’t be a problem. It’s a tool that’s been tried and tested with time, so most SEO tools already program themselves with WordPress access in mind. More often than not, the tools you’re ready to deploy already integrated themselves with WordPress in its very early programming stages.

Tools like payment gateways, lead generation tools, email marketing software, CRM software, and basic phone services will likely work with WordPress, so don’t be afraid to experiment with your favorite tools while building your website!

Enjoy customization

Are you unsure with your dashboard layout? Do you prioritize certain features over others? Or maybe you just want to work a certain way and want your dashboard to follow suit? With WordPress, you can customize tools to your heart’s content and completely tailor your tools to suit a working layout that’s best for you!

We suggest placing important notifications like daily stats, new comments, and new posts up on your dashboard so you can easily spot them when it’s time to create status reports. Keep track of whatever you need on your website with WordPress, and never get lost when something new comes in.

You’re in charge of your website

In conclusion, the reason why WordPress is great for business owners boils down to its flexibility. For such a classic tool, WordPress continues to update itself to offer full control to business owners who need it.

The fact that it’s beginner-friendly too is basically the icing on the cake. Learning WordPress will do wonders for your website while giving you full creative control of its suite of features, too!

Consult with Top Results Consulting today!

In need of website development services that can put your products and services on the map? Consult with Top Results Consulting now!

We offer growth-driven website development for your business using WordPress to fully-optimize your website. Build the foundation of your online presence today with experts who can give you the numbers you need.

To consult with us, simply book a call online to stay in touch. We’re excited to help you take your business further!

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