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What Kind of Content Does Google Prefer When Ranking Websites?

by | 25 August, 2022 | SEO

The first thing to take into account when considering SEO is content. Quality content boils down to how you engage, inform, support and delight your audiences. Another essential factor for exposure in search engines is producing genuine, useful content.

The top three results on Google produce more new referring domains than the other sites. First and second-placed pages receive noticeably less new referring domains. Backlinks are acquired by top-ranking pages at a quicker pace of five to 14.5 percent every month.

With the correct content, you can support all of your other SEO efforts, whether you’re writing blog posts, product pages, about pages, service pages, testimonials, videos, or anything else for your audience. However, because SEO never stops, with the constant algorithm updates, the content strategy should be malleable and match these, too.

The kind of content Google prefers to rank depends heavily on the most recent core update it has rolled out. Keep on reading to learn all about the kind of content Google favors when ranking websites so you can have the same opportunity to work on your small business’ SEO ranking.

Optimized Content for Google’s Ranking

Google uses an extremely complicated formula called a search algorithm to rank website content. It can span anywhere from using AI technology to review content, to using web crawlers that scan and index pages. It is important to understand how Google prefers ranking its websites to ensure your content marketing and SEO efforts don’t go to waste

  • Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

Section 5.1 of Google’s search quality evaluator guidelines break down the characteristics of what constitutes high-quality content:

  • Information need to be truthful, comprehensive, unique, and expertly presented.
  • Creative material need to be original, distinct, and demonstrate a high level of ability.
  • News articles have to be in-depth, well referenced, truthful, and feature original reporting.

Other ranking factors Google considers:

  • Mobile-first.
  • Page Experience
  • Page speed
  • On-page optimization
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Updated keyword research efforts

Ranking signals all flow together to help SEO marketers create content that rank. Ranking factors don’t boil down to just those mentioned above. Ranking in the SERPs is not about the latest and greatest tips and tricks.

Ranking factors should be used as a guide on the work you need to create content that ranks and increases website traffic. It means having a more comprehensive, sophisticated SEO strategy for better performance now and moving forward.

Your website won’t become top-ranking overnight. However, you can refer to Google’s ranking factors and use these to create strategies to raise the Google ranking of your website. Content is the cornerstone of your SEO efforts and not something you should treat lightly. Creating and investing in a clear content strategy is critical to your SEO success as nearly all other factors depend on content quality.

Make sure you have a scalable system for generating backlinks, creating high-quality content, improving the user experience, guaranteeing your site loads fast, and focusing on user intent when you create content.

However, if you’d rather not deal with content strategies and SEO tactics yourself, you can always leave the grunt work to professionals like Top Results Consulting.


Top Results Consulting is a content marketing company fully equipped with a persuasive team of writers and the latest writing, editing, and proofreading tools to publish online content catered to your target audience. We can provide various types of content to meet your marketing strategy’s needs, including a wide variety of content marketing services, such as blog posts, service page content creation, marketing content, and press releases.

We write convincing and engaging pieces of content designed to get your audience thinking in every stage of their buyer’s journey while also optimizing your SEO. So, whether you’re writing informative content, creating content for lead generation, or sending out emails in the hopes of drawing old customers back, our forms of content are purpose-driven, unique, and tailored to your needs.

Top Results Consulting has a tried and tested process working with many businesses over the last few years. We make sure we fully understand your business and what you expect from our content marketing services to ensure we deliver the best results. Together, we can write compelling content that can convert website visitors into paying customers. Interested in our content marketing services? Give us a call at (818) 600-1850.

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