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WebBuzz Podcast

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How social media is taking lead generation to another level

How social media is taking lead generation to another level

Top Results Consulting is committed to provide the best service to our clients. This commitment has pushed us to explore new spaces in digital marketing to deliver more value in our services. As a result, TRC has created a partnership with Social Soaring, a business...

What is E A T: How To Optimize For It In 2021

What is E A T: How To Optimize For It In 2021

In episode 8, the E-A-T acronym is explained so that listeners can improve ranking their respective rankings on search engines. Google uses the E-A-T criteria to deliver credible information to web users and to make decisions to rank your website well or not....

7 Marketing Trends of 2021

7 Marketing Trends of 2021

If you want to get through 2021, re-evaluate your online presence, set goals, and consider the latest Digital Marketing Trends that will make your website grow organically. This is the last episode we created to wrap up in 2020, lets get ready to move forward and...

Online Marketing in 2021

Online Marketing in 2021

If you want to get through 2021, re-evaluate your online presence, set goals, and consider the inbound marketing process. It is no longer JUST about having a website set up. Social is good, but it is not the end all and be all! Everything that is done for your...

Your Website Stack and Promotion Plan

Your Website Stack and Promotion Plan

Episode five, will wrap up the series and discuss the final steps from the seven-step process that was first introduced in episode two. Step 5 is about web development. After completing the first four steps, you have all this data and you are NOW ready to build and...

Content Creation and Your Silo Structure

Content Creation and Your Silo Structure

Episode four will focus on content and the structure around it. It will dive into how to create content that will please Google. Again, keyword research is the most crucial step. It will give you a better opportunity to rank. Now, on this episode, we will think about...

What You Need To Know Before Investing Thousands On A Website

What You Need To Know Before Investing Thousands On A Website

As a small business owner, how do you get more traffic online and create leads, and therefore get more revenue? Most people dump money into a website. Websites do bring value and have a positive value, but you may be wasting money if you are not doing certain things...

What is WebBuzz

What is WebBuzz

What is WebBuzz? In this first episode, we introduce Shawn Tiberio and Roger Valdez. Roger is married to a lieutenant in the Navy and is located in Guam. He has a background in web development and search engine optimization. Roger makes an important comment that the...